SKU: 9788120818866 (ISBN-13)  |  Barcode: 8120818865 (ISBN-10)

The Hidden Master: From I to Itness on Vimalaji's Teaching

₹ 650.00

Binding : Hardcover

Pages : 314

Edition : 1st

Size : 5.5" x 8.5"

Condition : New

Language : English

Weight : 0.0-0.5 kg

Publication Year: 2002

Country of Origin : India

Territorial Rights : Worldwide

Reading Age : 13 years and up

HSN Code : 49011010 (Printed Books)

Publisher : Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House

THE HIDDEN MASTER is the story of an inquiry into the nature of total

transformation of the human psyche, sometimes called enlightenment, as

revealed by a realised Teacher, Vimala Thakar. It is also a story about the

interaction of two forces-the force of understanding (the Teacher) and the

force of inquiry (the seeker after truth). In attempting to live and

practice the teaching of Vimalaji, the inquirer, Christine Townend, decided

to record and analuyse the inner and outer events of the investigation

which she undertook. She was interested to observe how a realised Teacher

lived, worked and taught. It was felt that it was important, not only to

describe the dufficulties of Sadhana through which the seeker passes, but

also to describe the qualities of a realised human being, without glamour

or sentimentality. It was Vimalaji who encouraged and guided the writing of

the book, and who gave so much of her time and her love in the form of

interviews and discussions for this purpose.


About the Author(s)