SKU: 9789359662480 (ISBN-13)  |  Barcode: 9359662488 (ISBN-10)

Contemporary Education in India

₹ 250.00

Binding : Paperback

Pages : 266

Edition : 1st

Size : 5.5" x 8.5"

Condition : New

Language : English

Weight : 0.0-0.5 kg

Publication Year: 2017

Country of Origin : India

Territorial Rights : Worldwide

Reading Age : 13 years and up

HSN Code : 49011010 (Printed Books)

Publisher : Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House

This book is an attempt to understand the changing scenario in the systems of education. It also discusses as to how certain twenty two chapters. The first three chapters deal with the education during Vedic, Budhist and Medieval periods respectively. Anglo Indian Controversy and Macaulay's Minute, Adam's Report and Wood's Dispatch are included in the fourth, fifth and sixth chapters. Other commissions like Indian Education Commissions (1882), Sadler Commission Report, Basic Education Scheme, University Education Commission Secondary Education Commission, kothari Commission are studied in the seventh, eight, nine, tenth, eleventh and twelth one by one. In chapters thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth; the National Policy on Education (1986), its review committed and its revised policy have been studies separately. The Elementary Education, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) have been included as chapter 19 to 22 are concerned with the National Knowledge Commission, Introduction of National Service Scheme, National Service Scheme(NSS) Programmes and Activities and Special Camping Programme are also included as the part of the book. The book has been written in a simple language and would prove highly useful for the learners and it may help the scholars in their deeper studies.

About the Author(s): Dr. Keisham Shitaljit Singh, an Assistant Professor of the Department of Education, Manipur University is a teacher with a brilliant academic career. He has obtained his M. A. and Ph. D. degree from the Kurukshetra University. He has published more that seventy research papers in different aspects of education in different reputed National and International Journals of Educations and Psychology and he has contributed the prestigious edited books.

Dr. Singh has been conferred the award of  "Best Educational Psychologist" by IPERA: Patna in 2009 and in the same year, he was also awarded "Rashtriya Vidya Saraswati Puraskar" by the IIEm; New Delhi. He has completed two major UGC projects and one ICSSR major research project. The author has presented an article in the most prestigious Hawaii International Conference on Education-2013 in Hawaii, USA From the 6th to 11th January, 2013. He has taken session chair in that conference for the topic related with the Educational Administration. As a Ph.D. Supervisor, he has produced awarded Ph.D. scholars and he is also guiding numbers of JRF research scholars. Dr. Singh has also published eight books by different publishing houses.