Gita Sankara & J. Krishnamurti (Translation of Gita, Summary of Sankara Bhashya 258 J. Krishnamurti Quotes, With Short 'Our Notes')

by C. Srinivasa Murthy

  • ISBN Hardcover: 9789359665603, 9359665606
  • ISBN Paperback: 9789359660301, 9359660302
  • Year of Publication: 2024
  • Edition: 1st
  • Pages: 433
  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House
  • Sale price ₹ 595.00 Regular price ₹ 595.00

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    This book discusses the common teachings of Sankara andJ. Krishnamurti with reference to the Gita. Points where Krishnamurti appears to differ from Sankara have not been touched on.

    In my studies I found many similarities in the writings of Sankara and J. Krishnamurti and thought of compiling them into a book with the Gita as the medium to discuss the similarities. I hope this book will provide academic and intellectual enjoyment in the spiritual field.

    I thank Krishnamurti Foundation Trust and Penguin Random House for according permission to use quotes and excerpts.

    Many thanks are due to Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House, Delhi, for publishing my first book with patience and perseverance.

    About the Author:

    C SRNIVASA MURTHY first heard about J. Krishnamurti in 1984 when he went to Ramana Ashram via Adyar with his parents when he was just 19. The environment at home was conducive to a spiritual upbringing and his parents introduced him to ‘I Am That’ by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.

    Mr Murthy joined a nationalised bank as a probationary officer in1988 and put in 28 years of service. He took voluntary retirement in 2016 and then pursued his other interests like reading books and taking tuition. He also began writing.

    In 2009 he bought ‘Sayings of J. Krishnamurti’ published by Motilal Banarsidass. The book helped him a great deal in understanding the mind of J. Krishnamurti. Sri Nisar-gadatta Maharaj said, “A thing is as it is because the universe is as it is”. We realise Truth when everything in the universe contributes. The author realised this in 2000.