SKU: 9789359664965 (ISBN-13)  |  Barcode: 9359664960 (ISBN-10)

Gitanidarsana: Smilies of the Bhagavadgita

₹ 195.00

Binding : Paperback

Pages : 87

Edition : 1st

Size : 5.5" x 8.5"

Condition : New

Language : English

Weight : 0.0-0.5 kg

Publication Year: 1999

Country of Origin : India

Territorial Rights : Worldwide

Reading Age : 13 years and up

HSN Code : 49011010 (Printed Books)

Publisher : Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House

In the Bhagavadgita, Krsna exploys various teaching methods to aid Arjuna's comprehension and to remove his misunderstandings. He often explains a difficult statement with the aid of a simile drawn from everyday human experience and the Bhagavadgita contains some of the most suggestive and beautiful similes in the entire sacred literature of Hinduism. The similes of Krsna add a beautiful visual dimension to words and invite reflection and exploration.

In this text, Prof. Rambachan has chosen twelve similes for reflection. They deal with diverse but interrelated matters such as the nature of the self, death, scriptures, self-control, peace, wisdom and the nature of God. These similes offer an exciting entrance into the Hindu world-view and the author invites us to explore the inexhaustible richness of each image.


"...Each of the similes contains inexhaustible richness of meaning to which the author adds significant classification. The similes open up an easy entrance to the basic Hindu thought which other wise could be elusive for easy comprehension. An inte

About the Author(s)

ANANTANAND RAMBACHAN is an Associate Professor of Religion at St. Olaf

College in Minnesota. A native of Trinidad and Tobago, Dr. Rambachan earned

his Ph.D. at the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom. He was awarded

Trinidad's second highest national honor, the Chaconia Gold Medal, for

public service in 1987.